Tuesday, April 1, 2008

So easy...

At the risk of sounding like that irritating little geeky reptile in the commercials from that insurance company, this is just a gentle reminder, mates and mate-ettes...is that a real word?...please do not procrastinate and purchase your "tickettes" for Friday May 16th, the sooner the better.

This is no April Fool joke, even if this is being posted by a joker. Just consider it a Gentle Annoyance. Annoying-R-Us.

And at the risk of annoying a CIC (Certain Insurance Company) for the sin of borrowing their materials without permission - as someone said to blogger-mate once - "ask forgiveness, not permission" - the following Visual Aids will perhaps help prod you into action. You can do it! You're an ILS Graduate...makes you automatically smart, right? In the case of the writer, not everyone would agree on that point - including himself. Many think of him as more of a smart a..

OK! Repeat with me: "Buying the tickets for Friday May 16th, 2008 is..."

Yes, the name of the company has been "brushed" out to protect the innocent...or the guilty. The editing admittedly is not that elegant but, what do you think this is...Pixar Studios!!??

Repeat again after me: "Buying your way into the free-for-all Friday May 16th is..."

We're in this together! And birds of a feather stick together, right? That was bad. This is worse: "Don't wait too long or you'll be plucked."

Message not clear enough! Still vacillating, sitting there like a bump on a log? Repeat! "The shopping experience for Friday May 16th Anno Domini 2008 at Immaculata-LaSalle is..."

So, LOG ON and do it!

Have you been punished enough with this poor-quality propaganda and pseudo-Madison Avenue drivel? Don't think so! The Kommandant Klink side of blogger's personality comes to the fore and opts to sadistically whip you into action, one more time. Alles sagen, translates to "all say," means REPEAT: "Purchasing the darn tickets is sooo easyyyy..."

Pamplona - July 1973

Even a drunk LaSalle 1968 Graduate traveling in Spain can do it! Uh, Nelson, do you think we should invite the Ohio Girls? Shoot, our wives weren't even in the picture! Oh, forgot...that was then, this is now. Forget it, the author had another Senior Moment!

Remember...it's so easy.

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