DRUM ROLL....AND THE WINNER IS...... None other than JEANETTE FOYE! (the crowd goes wild) yesiree folks at the obscene time of 5:16 AM today, this lady submitted the correct answer which is Miss Margarita Oteiza.
I know that the "nowadays" title is Ms., but I am as politically correct as a rhinoceros in heat, so it remains Miss! Now for the guys, ANOTHER CLUE, think of a TR-3.
Hint (from the Little Masochistic Motorman) – it is British and leaks just like an MG...come to think of it, the older I get the more I become what I drive – leaks, misfiring, backfiring, loose steering, wobbling suspension – let’s stop before the brakes give out too...although running out of gas is not so bad. Cuts down on the backfiring...
Let us give honorable mention to other participants as well.
I think that it might have been Mrs. Oteiza the teacher that said "Quiet please". I think that it is great what you are doing to get us all together after "just" 40 yrs. My husband and I will be there, I am just waiting closer to that date to make sure that we will be in
Isabel Sanchez,
Fifth Grade Teacher
Isabel C. Sanchez - from the pages of Signum '68
Mini-Blogger congratulated Isabel on her valiant effort, but had to regretfully point out that Ms. Foye had indeed submitted her answer as the rooster crowed, so to speak, and therefore had won the trophy...whatever the trophy is or will be...it is what it is. Isabel submitted her thoughts at 3:23 PM, Eastern Daylight Time. Nevertheless, we thank all of you for your interest and support, and as Dean Martin used to say, “keep those cards and letters coming, folks!” And your emails too.
Elena Pastoriza had made a submission also, which had been uploaded earlier to the “comments” section of the trivia contest post, but will list it here again so y’all don’t have to roam all over looking for it.
“Mrs. Knight, Biology teacher, I think – Elena” A Knightly effort indeed, Elena but unfortunately not correct. Not to worry, you will have further jousting opportunities.
Perhaps this will spark more interest and encourage many of us to participate. Please, do not forget to share your unique anecdotes of life at Immaculata and
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