Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Big Broadcast of 2008

We are fortunate to have an Immaculata classmate in media, and today she broadcast a segment on her 3 PM show at Radio Mambi, Miami - that is 710 AM on the dial. Her radio "nickname" is Ninoska but we know her as Lucrecia Perez.

Lucrecia as she appeared during our freshman year, '64-'65, in Signum, together with other freshman officers in our group.

Together with Marily Benitez Reyes and Silvia G. Gonzalez, they did an excellent job describing our reunion events and asking for help in finding our lost friends - a couple of Immaculata grads even called in during the show. And that is the idea - spread the word and gather as many of us as possible for this once-in-a-lifetime event, not to be missed.

Silvia G. Gonzalez - Signum '68

Blog-boy admits this is a hastily put together post, but he's about to hit the road together with Infernal Committee members Nelson Orta and Jorge Pastoriza...we're off for a few days of "Reunion Rehearsal" in the North Carolina hills and dales. After all, we must be in shape to help make the Reunion a success, right? However, hastily concocted or not, this post is meant to convey a big thank you and God bless you ladies, for doing this and promoting our special gathering!

As for the "Reunion Rehearsal," you DO believe it is a rehearsal, right? We'll let you know how that panned out.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Answer to Webmistress' Challenge...

Is NOT blowing in the is to be found right here. Assuming you have come to Right Here. Apologies are extended for not keeping our Class of '68 Blog experience more current, but that is what happens when Blog-minime still has to keep his (its?) DJ - Day Job. "Take my job, please!" And you'll become nutty, as he has, in no time. At least that is an accomplishment of sorts.

Also "we," meaning your Infernal Committee and its auxiliaries, heirs, and assigns, have been busy looking for and looking up you, our Class of '68 bunch and our Lost Classmates and Souls, sending emails and invitation letters, making phone calls, begging, pleading, cajoling you to join us May 16th and 17th. That has kept us a tiny bit busy as well. But that is another story.

We do not have too many 20-year gaps left, between Reunions so - do not miss this opportunity to see, mingle with, laugh and cry with your classmates. And that is today's Editorial.

Now, on to Webmistress. She takes over from here. Ahem, before she does - no one tried a stab at her Challenge; must have been too challenging! One more thing, although this may be stating the obvious...all images are from our Signum '68 yearbook.

#1......."OF"....OPERATION FASTIDIATION (comes from “fastidious,” which here is meant to represent “bothersome” – Editor).... a crazy plan from a selected few Senior Girls 68....

we spent writing the words on the blackboards... papers on the bath mirrors...for weeks!

nobody knew what it was... when the time came for it to be "here" we showed up with raincoats & water-guns for a week

went around the halls doing a "got ya" thing....

another day many rode into school on bikes (picture in the yearbook)... skipped classes....

played pranks on teachers: hid Ms Oteizas' "cat family".... locked Ms. Castaneira out of her class....

it was one wild week.... lots of Senior girls joined in the maddness... even the "good ones"....

I am surprised Hilda De Mena did not answer, she was one of the organizers, yours truly was also involved

#2...."family of cats".... Margarita Oteiza collected cats....porcelain, ceramic, wood, plush & she had them in top of her desk

in the weekends she had a shoe box she took them home or put them away

#3...."the shower"....Ms Perkins, chemistry teacher....

We had that emergency shower in the class which she explained the usage and of course "NOT usage, ONLY on emergency"

Lourdes Fernandez, Elena P, Jeannette... any of the Chemistry girls should have guessed that...

they were in her class & present on a few incidents...I for one was very interested in how it worked....

So there you are... you may post the wiil bring some MEMORIES back to the Girls....

Friday, April 18, 2008

Webmistress' Challenge

It is time for us to meet the lady who has made the Class of '68 web site possible, and who hereby tosses a Trivia Challenge at her classmates - go ahead, give the Challenge a shot; test your long-term memory!

Adrianna F. Ramirez - Signum '68

A brief aside: If you have not yet explored the web site, you are missing something good; very, very good. Caveat: Your emotions may get the best of you when doing this, more so when you listen to the period music, including our graduation song, The Impossible Dream.

Time for the Challenge. If no one gets the right answer or, sadly, if no one participates by sundown this Sunday, Eastern Daylight Time, the contest will close. The answer to the Challenge will nevertheless be posted in the interest of preserving another little bit of ILS history and trivia.

Here goes, from the Webmistress.


Here is a few.... sort of easy... should get a few of "slurpee" winners...

#1.... What is the Meaning of "OF is COMING"......."OF is HERE" ?????

#2.... What teacher kept her "family of cats" at school ????

#3.... What teacher gave a "lesson about the usage of the shower" on her first day of class????

Have fun


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"And the Wiener is..."

Gotcha! You think Blog mini-me can't spell? No! Was just being a hot dog. Could not resist PUNishing you.

And now, our Appointed Trivia Master, or ATM for short, Ricardo-not-Ricky takes it from here. Oh, yes - before I forget - refer to the last post - "A couple of Trivial Questions from Ricardo," so you will not lose the thread, or your train of thought, and all will make more sense to you. Or at least we think it will make as much sense as it is sensibly possible for anything to make sense in this blog.

DRUM ROLL....AND THE WINNER IS...... None other than JEANETTE FOYE! (the crowd goes wild) yesiree folks at the obscene time of 5:16 AM today, this lady submitted the correct answer which is Miss Margarita Oteiza.

Signum '68

I know that the "nowadays" title is Ms., but I am as politically correct as a rhinoceros in heat, so it remains Miss! Now for the guys, ANOTHER CLUE, think of a TR-3.

Hint (from the Little Masochistic Motorman) – it is British and leaks just like an MG...come to think of it, the older I get the more I become what I drive – leaks, misfiring, backfiring, loose steering, wobbling suspension – let’s stop before the brakes give out too...although running out of gas is not so bad. Cuts down on the backfiring...

Let us give honorable mention to other participants as well.


I think that it might have been Mrs. Oteiza the teacher that said "Quiet please". I think that it is great what you are doing to get us all together after "just" 40 yrs. My husband and I will be there, I am just waiting closer to that date to make sure that we will be in Miami. When I listened to the graduation song "To Dream the Impossible Dream" just now, I cried. Thank you for the memories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Isabel Sanchez,
Fifth Grade Teacher
Coral Gables Elementary

Isabel C. Sanchez - from the pages of Signum '68

Mini-Blogger congratulated Isabel on her valiant effort, but had to regretfully point out that Ms. Foye had indeed submitted her answer as the rooster crowed, so to speak, and therefore had won the trophy...whatever the trophy is or will is what it is. Isabel submitted her thoughts at 3:23 PM, Eastern Daylight Time. Nevertheless, we thank all of you for your interest and support, and as Dean Martin used to say, “keep those cards and letters coming, folks!” And your emails too.

Elena Pastoriza had made a submission also, which had been uploaded earlier to the “comments” section of the trivia contest post, but will list it here again so y’all don’t have to roam all over looking for it.

“Mrs. Knight, Biology teacher, I think – Elena” A Knightly effort indeed, Elena but unfortunately not correct. Not to worry, you will have further jousting opportunities.

Elena Pastoriza - Signum '68

Perhaps this will spark more interest and encourage many of us to participate. Please, do not forget to share your unique anecdotes of life at Immaculata and La Salle – we gotta preserve our unique history! Do not forget we have an incredible web site in the making and already proving quite useful for our Reunion planning – as Blogdemon reminded Isabel, we have the Webmistress to thank for all the evocative music which stirs our emotions, which you will enjoy too if you pay the site a visit. And speaking of the Webmistress, she is throwing some “queshs” at you next, so pay attention and crank up your memory cells!

A couple of Trivial Questions from Ricardo


"We" have decided, to further your continuing annoyance, since - in fairness, speaking only for meself - the purpose here is to annoy the world, one person at a time; once or twice a week we will run an Immaculata-LaSalle Trivia Contest. Perhaps this is a trifling thing to you, but who knows, this could grow and grow and grow and eventually become a Syndicated Quiz Show with Alex Trebek! Personally, I vote for Jay Leno -- anybody who owns so many cool cars and 'cycles can't be all bad.

And by the way, Ricardo is NOT Ricky - no Babalú stuff here; we don't really do bongo-drumming, even to try and gain your attention. OK, you take it from here, Ricardo!

"Okay my childrens [Ricardo, with this kind dialogue, you shoulda played a part in Gone With The Wind - Editor], The Most Extreme Infernal Committee would like to show their deepest appreciation by saying SENKUBERYMUSH! Ticket sales have been "brisk" but not brisk enough, however, we sure hope that by May 16 we'll be sold out. We (I) have decided that there will be two (2) Trivia questions per week. One for the girls and one for the guys. It seems only fair to both "sides." Ladies, name the faculty member and the subject, if you can remember that far back, which I'm certain ALL of you do because women remember things from centuries ago. Case in point, argument with spouse, things from the 1800's are brought back for no apparent reason! Anyways, (I enjoy tangents) this faculty member was refined, strict and did not allow talking in her class. Her favorite phrase was, "Quiet please." That was Immaculata, here's La Salle. Name the faculty member that in his neighborhood we were told to "face fowahd," "settle right down, now," and "shut the hell up." Quite a difference in technique I would say. As it was last week, the FIRST email I ( receive with the correct answer, from either "side" will receive free libations at the school event and at the picnic the next day at Crandon. There is a hint in BOTH questions. IF you are a former Faculty Member and receive this, you are NOT allowed to enter the contest. Penalty is detention, this means we will withhold alcohol. Winners names will be published with the times they sent the answers, let there be no mistake about that."

This is Blogdemon AKA "mini-me" speaking. No mention of non-alcoholic prizes to be awarded has been made. Prizes given are at the sole discretion of the Infernal Committee and are not guaranteed to please winners. Not everyone, for example, will be thrilled with winning a pre-viewed Borat DVD. Not even winners now residing in Khazakhstan.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Another classmate checks in with her mini-biography

Martha M. Fernandez - Signum '68

"Hola Alberto, I'm one of the "lost souls" on your list. Susana Cortazar (Garcia) mailed me the info about the reunion. I'm still trying to decide about going (I'd have to fly to Miami), but I didn't want to continue being "lost." Also, you might want this information to help you locate a couple more. Josefina Calzado is now Burroughs, and the last I heard from her, she was living in Vermont. Maria Victoria Fernandez is now Danger, and she's still in Miami. I emailed Henry Vicente Gomez about the reunion, but he said he's not going.

About me:
I was Martha Maria Fernandez. In school, I was also known as Peter. I've been Martha Maria Russ for the last eighteen years. (Well, it'll be eighteen years the week after our reunion, so maybe this can be a reunion/anniversary trip for us.) Actually, since I'm still a Cuban citizen, my passport still says Martha Maria Fernandez.

I'm married to Robert, and we have four children, Philip 38, Linda 29, Alan 27, and Esteban 24. The three oldest have given us six grandchildren: Brian 18, Zac 12, Diamond 9, James 6, Miss Megan 5, and Gabriel 1.

As to any other biographical, and/or opinionated comments, I can't believe you're asking a Cuban person for opinionated comments. You know we have an opinion on just about anything. OK, I'll keep it short. My opinion is that IT'S ABOUT TIME! After the 20 year reunion, I waited for the 25 year one, but it didn't happen. I thought, okay, they'll have a 30 year one. Nope, that didn't happen either. So I want to thank you, because we really needed this. I'm sure it's a lot of work, and probably a big pain in the neck, but we appreciate it.
Biographical: Are we all fat, or is it just me? I weighed 90 pounds when I graduated, and most of that was my long hair! I cut it short, but it didn't help. I have been very fortunate. I have a great life. I love my husband, I love where I live , I love my job, I love the beach, I love having my family nearby (although having raised them Cuban, they can get underfoot - They're always here!) My biggest accomplishment was publishing a book, in 2001. It's called "Beans and Rice - Growing Up Cuban". Bueno, m'ijo, quizas te vea pronto.

Martha Maria Fernandez (Russ)
The photo attached is me and my youngest granddaughter Miss Megan, in Ocean Isle Beach."

That would be Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina - for those who would like to know. You've got a very cute grandkid, Martha, and no doubt she is spoiled...but seems it would be difficult not to spoil her. Our classmate has subsequently contacted us since we first heard from her - the good news is she and her husband will be joining us May 16th, and we hope for the picnic at Crandon as well. Perhaps in the meantime, you can work your charm on Henry Gomez, Martha, and he will change his mind about coming to the Reunion. The more the better! Thank you for sharing your story with the readership.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Letter from Brother Malachy; message from Sue Foye

Brother Malachy Broderick - Signum '68

Received a very nice letter from Brother Malachy the other day and thought the readership would enjoy it; the letter leads into another reason for this posting, which is to help promote the Alumni Hall of Fame Awards dinner at the school cafetorium, or as it is called now, the Bayshore Ballroom, this coming April 26th.

Although Brother will - regrettably but understandably - be unable to attend the Class of '68 Reunion, he will God willing, be present at the Alumni Hall of Fame Awards event. Perhaps at least some of our Class of '68 group will be able to attend and socialize with Brother Malachy as well as with the honorees that night. This event deserves support, as is eloquently stated by Sue Foye:

Dear friends and ILS Class of 1970 Alumni:

I hope this finds you all happy and healthy and that 2008 is being good to

While I use the ILS Class of 1970 website on as my primary form
of contact with classmates, an email is warranted on occasions such as these
where timing is of the essence. In this case, I'm speaking of the upcoming
ILS Alumni Hall of Fame Event on Saturday, April 26th. Brother Andres and
Alexis Icaza will be honored this year as was Brother Malachy in the past.

Please read the email below sent to me by the ILS Alumni President, Mabel
Menendez (Class of 1971), who has spearheaded this event for many years. As
reflected in our economy, 2008 has been tough and unfortunately, some key
sponsorships ($$$) have been lost. So now, more than ever, to continue this
tradition of honoring faculty and outstanding students, they need our
support. If you have any questions, Mabel encourages you to call him
directly @ (305) 798-2791. (Since I'm not on the committee, he is your
'go-to' person.)

Please consider supporting this event - either by your attendance (April
15th deadline for tickets), your tax-deductable donation (anytime), by
purchasing an ad (April 1st deadline) or through your company's sponsorship
by completing the attached 2 page form and returning it ASAP. (I
know - not much time to turn this around, but I just got the information
last night.) You can also purchase tickets online:

Living in Mableton, GA, I was not really aware of this 5 year Hall of Fame
tradition until attending this wonderful event in 2007. Not only did I get
to visit our school grounds, but enjoyed seeing many dear friends from years
past from our class, and others who attended during those years. Most
especially, seeing faculty members from our era was such a treat and honor:
Brother Malachy, John Convey (Bro. James), Alexis Icaza (Bro. Alexis) and
Charmaine Gauthier-Icaza, Coach Van Parsons were there, to name a few.

One last thing! SAVE THE DATE! Eric Rodriguez (Class of 1970) - our
lightening rod for reuniting our class - is planning a **Class of 1970
Summer Picnic, Saturday, June 7th at Crandon Park**. (Hey, why wait until
the 40th reunion, right? Let's start the party NOW!) He is diligently
working out the details and you will be hearing from him soon.

Sending warm wishes to you all!
Sue Foye-Perez
Class of 1970

Her message to the Class of 1970 membership was in response to a request from Mabel Mendez.

Subject: Fwd: Hall of Fame & Favor request

Dear Sue,

Hope all is well with you & family. Had a great time at the luncheon on
Saturday. Eric is really committed to the c/o '70 movement. It seems my
dream of ILS alumni reconnecting with each other and the school may be
coming to fruition. The labor of love (it certainly not a job) you have
undertaken with the website has been spectacular. Almost daily, I can see it
grow and slowly include more and more of your classmates. Recently, I saw
Chris "Surf" Savard surfaced, along with Luis Li and others. Was also
touched by the various comments posted after Bro. Ramon's death. As a
teacher, I've found that many times students recognize and appreciate a
teacher's passion and vocation only after looking back as adults. I think it
is a fitting tribute to our teachers at ILS, that decades after graduation
we are reaching out to each other for the friendships and relationships they
incubated in the classrooms. You've started a truly great movement. What
started out as a couple of snowflakes coming together, is quickly reaching
avalanche proportions. Thanks for your foresight.

I have attached info re prices for ads in the Hall of Fame program. I'm
hoping you endorse the idea and pass it along to your group. We have taken a
huge and unexpected financial hit, as Bacardi refused our request to provide
the complimentary bars as they had in the past. That translates into a
$2,000 expense not in the original budget. Besides that, the air travel for
the Brothers (also comped in the past) may fall through as well. The bottom
line is we need to bring in as much $ as possible to ensure that this HOF
tradition we started 5 years ago continues. Not just for this year's
honorees, but for all the future faculty and alumni inductees.

If there's anything else I can provide, please let me know. Invitations were
mailed early last week, so anyone with an address in the database should
have gotten one by now. Anybody interested in going who did not receive one,
should visit the school website. Beyond that, I ENCOURAGE you to pass out my
cell number (305) 798-2791) to anyone. I need to make sure this thing flies
on Saturday, April 26. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks for everything.

This is being posted because the 2008 Hall of Fame Induction Dinner is a cause worthy of support. This event is also an opportunity for some in our Class of '68 group to make a mini-reconnection, at least on the part of those who may attend, in preparation for our maxi-connection in May. Of course, the pleasure of seeing and engaging some of our former teachers in pleasant memory-making is the best part of Hall of Fame Dinner socializing.

If nothing else, perhaps you, I, us, will be encouraged to make a donation towards funding the cost of the program, given the unexpected shortfall which has reared its ugly head. So what's with Bacardi?? Should we forego rum in protest and go for Guinness? True, some of us may have to acquire a new taste in libations. Anyway, should you be inclined to at least lend a monetary hand, go to the Immaculata-LaSalle web site or send a non-bouncing check via the good ol' Postal Service. The handy reservation forms have been reproduced here, but are available for download in the ILS web site. Time is of the essence...

Monday, April 7, 2008

Saint John Baptist De La Salle - his day has come

Yearbook cover page - La Salle, Havana - courtesy Mario Garriga

One of Blogmeister's Baldor Academy buddies sent this small article - he tries to keep your classmate informed about the Saints, not the football team by the way - in a vain attempt to induce some "sainthood" into your La Salle classmate. Naturally, there is a direct connection to our school and thereby to all of us.

St. John Baptist de la Salle (1651-1719) - Our ILS Saint's day is celebrated...April 7th, of course.

Complete dedication to what he saw as God's will for him dominated the life of John Baptist de la Salle. In 1950, Pope Pius XII named him patron of schoolteachers for his efforts in upgrading school instruction. As a young seventeenth-century Frenchman, John had everything going for him: scholarly bent, good looks, noble family background, money, refined upbringing. At the early age of 11, he received the tonsure and started preparation for the priesthood, to which he was ordained at 27. He seemed assured then of a life of dignified ease and a high position in the Church. But God had other plans for John, which were gradually revealed to him in the next several years. During a chance meeting with M. Nyel of Raven, he became interested in the creation of schools for poor boys in Raven, where he was stationed. Though the work was extremely distasteful to him at first, he became more involved in working with the deprived youths. Once convinced that this was his divinely appointed mission, John threw himself wholeheartedly into the work, left home and family, abandoned his position as canon at Rheims, gave away his fortune and reduced himself to the level of the poor to whom he devoted his entire life. The remainder of his life was closely entwined with the community of religious men he founded, the Brothers of the Christian School (Christian Brothers, or De La Salle Brothers). This community grew rapidly and was successful in educating boys of poor families using methods designed by John, preparing teachers in the first training college for teachers and also setting up homes and schools for young delinquents of wealthy families. The motivating element in all these endeavors was the desire to become a good Christian. Yet even in his success, John did not escape experiencing many trials: heartrending disappointment and defections among his disciples, bitter opposition from the secular schoolmasters who resented his new and fruitful methods and persistent opposition from the Jansenists of his time, whose heretical doctrines John resisted vehemently all his life. Afflicted with asthma and rheumatism in his last years, he died on Good Friday at 68 and was canonized in 1900. Comment:
Complete dedication to one's calling by God, whatever it may be, is a rare quality. Jesus asks us to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength" (Mark 12:30b, emphasis added). Paul gives similar advice: "Whatever you do, do from the heart..." (Colossians 3:23).

"What is nobler than to mold the character of the young? I consider that he who knows how to form the youthful mind is truly greater than all painters, sculptors and all others of that sort" - St. John Chrysostom. This entry appears in the print edition of Saint of the Day.

To our good friend, brother, and classmate from another school, another time, with whom we, Nelson and Albert, by the grace of God joyfully re-connected about two years ago - thank you for this contribution to the Class of '68 blog!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Remembering Brother Ramon

Brother Ramon, lately known as Brother Francisco Martin, passed away on March 11, 2008. He died in Adventist Hospital, Tacoma Park, Maryland. He was 80 years old. This is being written not to mourn him, but - as no doubt he prefers - to celebrate his life and remember him through pleasant reminiscences.

Brother Ramon joined the De La Salle Order in the early 50s and taught at La Salle, Vedado neighborhood district, in Havana, Cuba from 1955 to 1961. Some of our classmates were instructed by him in Cuba.

La Salle, Havana Yearbook cover - courtesy your author's childhood friend Mario Garriga, who attended La Salle until the school was closed and taken over by the castroites in 1961. That unfortunate event brought Brother Ramon to our school in 1963. Fortunately for us!

At least one of our classmates, Iñaki, or as we knew him in La Salle of Miami days, Ignacio or "Iggy" Saizarbitoria was privileged to have had Brother Ramon as one of his teachers at La Salle of Havana - in the Vedado neighborhood; there was another location in the Miramar district.

Brother taught here...

The school building is the one inside the white circle; a more detailed view can be seen right under the Cuban flag. Anyone else in our group attend La Salle of Havana? As a matter of fact, yes, as Blogmeister discovered, despite his myopic-bifocally impaired eyes, while examining this page from the La Salle Havana 1958-59 yearbook, where Iñaki also appears, in the 3rd row from the top, right in the middle.

And if you look carefully at the next row, below "Iggy," you will see another young man, wearing glasses. He is Rube Pardo, another of our 1968 La Salle Alumni. Small world, this is!

Iñaki (Ignacio) Saizarbitoria - Signum '68
Rube Jose Pardo - Signum '68

Question, Rube - so as not to assume - were you also instructed by Brother?

In case you are wondering how these La Salle Havana yearbook images were "procured," the source yearbooks are in the fortunate hands of the editor's long-time friend - we're talking a half century of friendship here - Mario Garriga, former La Salle of Havana student. He graciously provided the scanned pages after being pestered by his La Salle of Miami compadre; having put up with his short and short-fused amigo all these years has no doubt earned him a fully-furnished mansion in Heaven. Thank you, most excellent friend! As a former La Salle kindred spirit, he was extended an invitation to attend our Reunion as an Honored Guest, but unfortunately prior commitments prevent his appearance for the rest of us to make his acquaintance. He is a great guy, who knows no strangers. But then, that is what we expect from our La Salle brothers, right?

Here he is, in the La Salle Havana 1960 yearbook, with the kind of eyeglasses he and yours truly hated to wear back then - stylish the frames were...NOT!

Regretfully, despite our efforts to find Brother Ramon in the 1959 and 1960 yearbooks, neither Mario nor his irritating sidekick succeeded. Unlike our Immaculata-La Salle Signum, there were no separate sections featuring faculty members in the La Salle of Havana's publications. Should we find him in those pages, he will make an encore appearance here.

The guys of '68 made Brother's acquaintance in our freshman year, '64-'65. He taught science and physics. His lectures were always fun, at least to most of us. Brother could hardly get a point across about some interesting chemical or physical action/reaction without liberal gesturing and other creative ways of using body language. This definitely livened up his classes.

His teaching technique is well illustrated in this graphic from Signum '66. One could literally visualize chemical reactions based on Brother's hand-and-body language.

Pack-rat Quiroga even managed to hold on to one of the textbooks we used in his science class - a testament either to sweet nostalgia or superlative insanity; the later being the more likely explanation, more so if someone were to take a poll on the subject in the Quiroga household.

Some interesting anectodes survive from experiences in his class back in those days. The first one comes courtesy Brother Raymond, who taught biology for a few months during our sophomore year. He is now known as John Baker. Here is his reminiscence of Brother Ramon, quoted directly from his email message to your Infernal Editor.

Signum '66







We thank you for sharing this, John! And pray tell...what was the offending "c" word? Does it include "n" with the we suspect?

Allow your editor to now bore you with a personal anectote involving Brother Ramon. It could be appropriately titled "The Bunsen Burner Incident." This was during freshman year; there were times we would go in the lab and do experiments, or watch Brother do them as he colorfully explained the various actions, reactions, and such taking place. One afternoon, the experiment required heating something - what the "something" was by now long-buried somewhere in the wasteland of Albert's mind - using a Bunsen burner. This device produced a nice, steady flame and was standard laboratory equipment.

Those were the days there grew copious hair on the head of the inept freshman scientist. And he liked it long on top; he would have liked to have Elvis' hair. Nevertheless, the length was sufficient for purposes of the unplanned experiment which followed; while attempting to heat the mysterious substance, he inadvertently allowed his hair to get too close to the Bunsen. Not atypically, he was oblivious to that fact. He noticed a funny smell, a smell not unlike burning fabric. Suddenly, a classmate - believe it was Joaquin Fraxedas - yelled "Hey! Your hair is on fire!" Finally, the Accidental Scientist woke up, and pulled away - and was pulled too - as Fraxedas brushed his hand through his bumbling classmate's head. Foul-smelling, singed and burned pieces of hair floated down to the top of the lab table, as the freshman "Rocket Scientist" stared at the ashy remains already decorating the surface.

Brother Ramon rushed over to see what the commotion was about; on being told about the incident, he locked a disapproving look onto the wannabe scientist's eyes, and pronounced his verdict on his student's bumbling Bunsen performance: "Too much hair!"

Your bloggin' friend does not remember ever again getting close to a Bunsen burner...

The fumbling experimenter, on the left, as he appeared on the pages of the 1965 Signum. He should have trimmed his head like his cousin Oscar Quiroga, on the right, who also attended La Salle but only for our freshman year, '64-'65. Oscar and Brother Ramon may, even as this is being written, be having a humorous exchange in a Better Place about this incident; that may be sad to contemplate, but suspect neither of them is unhappy. Here I ask you to remember them both in your prayers.

Perhaps it would have been even better for the Little Experimenter That Couldn't to adopt the hair style he sported for last year's Man Camp Adventure with brother-friends Nelson and Mario - the same Mario Garriga of the Havana La Salle yearbooks.

The motley crew, Burbank WA, July 2007 - after traversing the Columbia, Snake, and Willamette rivers; "Captain" Mario in the background. Three fourths of the crew were La Salle students - a mini-reunion of sorts.

Methinks Brother Ramon would have thought the haircut much more suitable for experimental purposes. He was practical and sensible. He is also very fondly remembered. God bless you and keep you, Brother!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Jeannette weighs in with comments, compliments, and pictures

We continue to encourage everyone to make appropriate submissions - no Paris Hilton items, please - for publication here; anecdotes, photographs, recollections, pieces of history - ILS history, that is, and anything else you believe our "band" would enjoy. Some of our classmates have been doing the "heavy lifting" in this regard - and once again we feature a piece by Jeannette Foye, with nice accompanying graphics, no less.

First, a compliment she believes is in order.

"Dear Alberto: I can't seem to forward this message to everyone - will you try to do that for me? Thanks. What an amazing guy!!

Bill Urbizu's mini bio is AMAZING. I am proud to call myself one of his classmates, let alone a member of the same PLANET as him. If this is a sample of the many experiences and accomplishments of one of our fellow students, I can't wait to hear more from the rest of the class. BRING IT ON! Jeannette Foye"

Bill IS pretty amazing, Jeannette - we don't call him "The Beast" for nothing! As for the origins of that animalistic nickname, we have to quiz Nelson Orta who baptized Mr. Urbizu with that moniker, believe back in "our" Sts. Peter & Paul days. Maybe at the Reunion, after the relevant parties have loosened up thanks to some high-octane "biofuel," perhaps the truth will out...

In contrast, many would like to exile the Blogmeister to ANOTHER planet, starting with his daughter. Teenagers...God's payback to former teenagers.

Moving on to other family matters, here is more from Jeannette.

"Hi Alberto: Couldn't remember if I had sent you a couple of pictures that could be put on the internet. They are during Christmas. Don't have any recent ones but they are my son Jonathan Foye, Lucas (3 1/2 years), Madeline Rose Foye (6 1/2 years) and Jen Foye, my son's wife. My son is quite 'buff', was a star football player, wrestler, marine for 6 years (fireman on the base in Yuma, AZ) and now works with a special school for disturbed teenagers (the very difficult ones) from 14 to 18 years old. His wife is a MFT, Social worker and works with foster care and adoption. They are great group!!! La Salle would've loved to have him at that school when he was younger. I am in a picture with my granddaughter and my nickname is "Jamma" - or grandma with a J.

If you think these would be appreciated, please put them on the web site.


Of course they are appreciated! Thank you for introducing them to us - lovely family, very cute grandchildren. No need to tell you - enjoy them before they grow up! You are blessed to be a young grandma. If yours truly ever becomes a grandpa, by then he'll be mummified and on display at some cheap roadside museum off Route 66.

Jonathan, Lucas , Madeline Rose, and Jen Foye

Proud "Jamma"

See how nice? Send us your beautiful, evocative images. Do not forget to send the Webmistress some too, so that the Class of '68 may have a web presence to be proud of for years to come.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bill U's Mini

Signum '68

Heeere's Bill Urbizu - a man who needs no introduction - reporting on himself, live from Miamuh! Well of course it's a live report...dead men tell no tales.

"After my ILS graduation, went to Miami-Dade Community College for two years (didn’t we all?) then began working as a news editor at Channel 7, writing for Wayne Fariss and Richard Whitcomb. Remember them? [Sure do, Bill - remember black and white TV and no remotes? - Editor] Went to the U of M or Suntan U until ‘73 when I returned to Channel 7 as the first on-the-air, Cuban-born TV reporter. I married in ’75 to great gal, an elementary school teacher. In ‘77, I joined Channel 10 and became the first Cuban exile ever permitted back in the island and filmed a ten-part series entitled An Exile Returns. I went back 8 additional times for ABC News and Post/Newsweek, including interviews with Fidel on four different occasions. After 10 years of working nights, weekends and holidays, when my daughter was born and was only able to see her one day a week, I decided to leave the news biz and jumped the fence into Marketing and PR for Miami-Dade County.

In 1990, I was appointed Assistant Director of the Miami-Dade Public Library System. In the 90’s, I traveled Latin America bringing more than 30 exhibitions to Miami for the public libraries. Hey, I even got knighted in ’94 by Peru’s Alberto Fujimori (who is in jail now) for the exhibition I brought during that year’s Conference of the Americas. Yes, you may address me as “Sire” which can also mean ass. I also dabbled in journalism again on my weekends and won a TV Emmy in ‘95 as a roving correspondent on a 60 Minutes format show on Telemundo. (Not bad for a part-timer). I’m still at the library, managing the construction and openings of four new libraries this year and two next year. I’m still married to that elementary school teacher, except she’s now Assistant Superintendent of Miami-Dade Public Schools.

Enough of this nonsense. Can’t wait to see you all on May 16th!!!!!"

Bill at a recent library groundbreaking, Miami - it appears he has shrunk since 1968. Perhaps this is just our imagination. But, the show ain't over! Relish the photograph from a long, long time ago, but not in a galaxy far away...surely you recognize Little Billy and perhaps some of your LaSalle classmates too!

Saints Peter and Paul School, Miami - 7th Grade, 1962-1963

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Clarification and Invitation

CBS News/AP photo

"Let me make one thing perfectly clear: I'm not a cook!"
- Albert

No, am actually more of a kook, like in cuckoo-clock. But perhaps the pseudo-Nixonian quote got your attention, and that is the intention; was asked by a prominent member of the Infernal Committee to make it perfectly clear that...our fun events of May 16-17 2008 are open not only to Class of '68 Alumni, but to Alumni from other years as well. In fact, anyone who attended Immaculata-LaSalle at one time or another, even if never graduating from our beloved school, is more than welcome to join us. A Big Party is the best party of all...better than Democrat, Green, Republican, Know-Nothing, Bull Moose, or anything in between. So, come one, come all! But one thing you must bear in mind - I'm NOT cookin'! And you should be very thankful for that.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

So easy...

At the risk of sounding like that irritating little geeky reptile in the commercials from that insurance company, this is just a gentle reminder, mates and that a real word?...please do not procrastinate and purchase your "tickettes" for Friday May 16th, the sooner the better.

This is no April Fool joke, even if this is being posted by a joker. Just consider it a Gentle Annoyance. Annoying-R-Us.

And at the risk of annoying a CIC (Certain Insurance Company) for the sin of borrowing their materials without permission - as someone said to blogger-mate once - "ask forgiveness, not permission" - the following Visual Aids will perhaps help prod you into action. You can do it! You're an ILS Graduate...makes you automatically smart, right? In the case of the writer, not everyone would agree on that point - including himself. Many think of him as more of a smart a..

OK! Repeat with me: "Buying the tickets for Friday May 16th, 2008 is..."

Yes, the name of the company has been "brushed" out to protect the innocent...or the guilty. The editing admittedly is not that elegant but, what do you think this is...Pixar Studios!!??

Repeat again after me: "Buying your way into the free-for-all Friday May 16th is..."

We're in this together! And birds of a feather stick together, right? That was bad. This is worse: "Don't wait too long or you'll be plucked."

Message not clear enough! Still vacillating, sitting there like a bump on a log? Repeat! "The shopping experience for Friday May 16th Anno Domini 2008 at Immaculata-LaSalle is..."

So, LOG ON and do it!

Have you been punished enough with this poor-quality propaganda and pseudo-Madison Avenue drivel? Don't think so! The Kommandant Klink side of blogger's personality comes to the fore and opts to sadistically whip you into action, one more time. Alles sagen, translates to "all say," means REPEAT: "Purchasing the darn tickets is sooo easyyyy..."

Pamplona - July 1973

Even a drunk LaSalle 1968 Graduate traveling in Spain can do it! Uh, Nelson, do you think we should invite the Ohio Girls? Shoot, our wives weren't even in the picture! Oh, forgot...that was then, this is now. Forget it, the author had another Senior Moment!'s so easy.