Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Lil' Technical Difficulty...has been overcome

Well, as it turns out, the link given in the previous post - do not blame Larry, he had nuthin' to do with it, did not quite work as expected. So "we" asked the technical support staff at ILS for HEEEELP!! They responded with alacrity and efficiency. Therefore, this is to announce, advise, cajole, implore, and beg you to go HERE instead, to buy your tickets for Friday May 16th.

The link works - it has been tested; there is a slight limitation in that you have to purchase one ticket at a time. Multiple ticket purchases do not work. Otherwise, "we're good to go." Hopefully, this did not inconvenience many of you. If it did, our apologies. "We" make no claim to perfection, but surely you knew that already.

Now excuse me...have some unfinished business to tend to; Larry 'n I still trying to git that darn possum!

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