Thursday, March 27, 2008

How many Quirogas does it take to fix a broken...ticket purchase link??

Answer: two - one to explain the problem for the other - the smart one - to fix it. And she DID repair what was broken, without resort to baling wire, duct tape, or any other rig job, the kind done by Shade Tree Mechanics and Infernal Bloggers. Thank you, Mrs. Q - you're hereby anointed as one of the support persons for the Class of '68 Reunion Technical Shoestring Operation. Your Worst Half just knew, almost 28 years ago, you would be needed to help with this event! Thus we signed the contract! Whether that was wise on your part may be debatable...

Or as Ms. Q puts it, "Mom - what were you thinking??"

Now there is NO excuse not to buy your tickets. As friend Larry would say, "She's done been fixed and ah ain't talkin' 'bout the dawg, so git-r-done!" You now have two links to access the PayPal page and you do not need a PayPal account to do the buying. However, remember: you can only buy ONE ticket at a time. That small inconvenience we cannot fix for you. Thank you for hanging in there patiently - but whip out your "plastique," and get yer tickets! Please...

Before we forget, an IP - Important Announcement - is in order. Classmate Adrianna F. Ramirez who found us on her own, has very kindly volunteered to design, build, and maintain a web site for the Class of '68. It is under construction, but already is looking fantastic - she needs your help and contributions to make it a great "meet and greet" site now and in the future; but go see for yourself. You will be very pleased.

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