That-was-then, this-is-now reality images are a must, so that when you see us, you do not scream in terror, as people do in those "cheesy" horror movies when Frankenstein suddenly crashes through a door or wall. Therefore, let us travel back in time via our yearbook to the fateful year one-thousand-nine-hundred-and-sixty-eight.
Nelson Orta - he actually looks like a decent human being here, albeit much more serious than he is in real, as opposed to two-dimensional life.
Last Saturday the 22nd, the Gang of 4.5 - you guess where the 0.5 comes from - decided to gather at the Xixon Cafe and tapas bar on Coral Way, in Miami of course.
It is a cozy, congenial place. In fact, it should become a casual gathering place for all ILS Class of '68 types-to eat, drink, be merry and keep the connections alive. No need to wait another forty years to informally gather there.
First, some of the Infernal, there he goes again with the Freudian slips...INFORMAL Committe members decided to engage in some "R&R" in preparation for the expected, arduous planning session at Xixon. So we went off to enjoy one of the unique Dade County Parks and Recreation sites the County's taxpayers are lucky to have at their disposition.
Now, if you wonder what the relevance of all this was to planning the reunion at Xixon, we will explain: (1) It guarantees there will be highly trained security at the reunion; (2) It helps the Committee stay on target...(3) The Committee wanted to be prepared just in case Billy the Kid barged in on our meeting. Really, these things can the Twilight Zone.
At least one member of the Gang of 4.5 has extensive firearms experience, dating back to his days spent trying to get Castro in his sights, a long time ago. Never came across the stinker, however.
He liked headgear then too.
Having thus practiced so as to keep our aim true and stay on target with all the planning and organizing required for our reunion, we went off to meet the rest of the group at Xixon. Once there, we engaged in sober and serious discussion on the subject.
Maybe someone shoulda kept his hat on...what the heck, don't matter - a scary sight is a scary sight.
Well, in the end it was a good, productive day. Your Committee members shot the breeze, met, ate, argued but fortunately not to the point where the Doctor's healing skills were needed as there were no brawls; drank responsibly and yet again argued, then decided...we need another meeting! Alright - don't go ballistic on us - just kidding! We'll let you know the results, in terms of date and definite venue, within a week. You have our word. Remember: "We aim to please."
Boy, you guys look old! Me? Just bald, thank you. La bestia is the ONLY one with any hair to speak of. By the way, why the hell were we laughing? The guys at the next table even made a comment until one of you explained and then they figured out that we're crazy. Anyway, what a wonderful lunch, sounds like "THE" meeting place from now on, no more garbanzos for .5....The 4.0 can, but MOST DEFINITELY NOT .5!
After glancing at these pictures once again, so much FINE Spanish wine and so little time! Wow, who would've told us 40 years ago......
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