Friday, February 29, 2008

More from the Vault of Recollections

Thank God for sweet, understanding parents who allow you to keep the accumulated flotsam and jetsam of one's school years nicely boxed and protected in their garage. Mine is full. While mining through the records of the past, dug up some interesting memorabilia, here shared with you.

Remember going to this game? Your blogging classmate did...only thing is, cannot remember if we - the Royals that is - won; believe the Royals were the victors, but maybe that is wistful, wishful thinking, the real outcome blurred by the all too fast passing of time. Those of you who were there and DO remember what happened, come forward and enlighten the rest of us with the real story.

Surely you remember The Royal Courier. One of our classmates, Jeannette Foye, is pictured in the front page of the January 1967 edition. Read through it and you should find other familiar names and faces. Granted, you may need a magnifying glass to get the most out of your reading.

Some of our classmates served on the Staff; Chris Schauseil and Bill Martin, for example - neither has been found yet but we hope to hear from them before the reunion.

Quiz - see the "Have You Heard" column: Who was the Brother who used to wear a derby and was known as "Boston Blackie?'' Do you know who Boston Blackie is - or was?

Oops! Seems the basketball team was not doing so well that year...but you can't win them all. Ask the Dolphins. There is always "next time." Speaking of those times, anyone remember Wahoo McDaniel? Karl Kremser? Coach Wilson? Speaking of remembering, remember to check your garage, attic, or storage shed. See if you come up with some tangible reminder from your Vault of Recollections; send it to your bloopin' bloggin' classmate, and you can share your Immaculata-LaSalle memories with the readership.

More to come...

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