We do not want you to get lost on the way to the party Friday; by no means do we mean this to insult your intelligence or sound demeaning. Nor do we want you to get lost on the way to the picnic Saturday. So consider this just a diplomatic reminder to get your directions and your times straight, so all will go smoothly - the key here is FUN, not STRESS. Then too, sad to admit, guys do not ask for directions. Speaking of which, surely you know the campus is located at 3601-3603 South Miami Avenue, Miami F-L-A. Remember: 8:00 PM to 12:00 AM. Make sure you have your ride scheduled, and of course a designated driver, as needed.
If Mrs. "Q" - on the left - say...is that Mr. Alonso in the middle? - was able to find her way there on a hot July day in '91, surely you can too.
Why, that's Danny Thomas on the left, and Brother Andres Agustin on the right - that same balmy day.
And then there is the picnic on Saturday. Here are some useful directional signs to help you get there without a hitch. They are very precise; you do not even need a GPS.
OOPS! Wrong signs! How did that happen? Never mind; must have run into a time-warp problem. Do not recommend woolen garments at Crandon, and by all means wear
comfortable footwear...leather does not work well in the South Florida climate.
Follow this sign instead, and hop to it!
Just make sure you get yourself here around 11:00 AM or thereabouts, 'til the sun don't shine no mo'.
Don't forget your condiments for your fixins'.
Speaking of time-warps and things like that...thought you might like to remember our 1988 Reunion picnic through the magic of these images. Some of our friends and classmates depicted therein are no longer here to attend our 2008 outdoor gathering. But no doubt they will be there in spirit.
Recognize your friends? Top: Lilly Pino and Ricardo Reimundo; bottom: Elena Pastoriza.
Surely you recognize your classmates in this collage. However, you might not know everyone; not to worry, you will be properly introduced.
Let's see, starting with the upper left quadrant and working our way clockwise, we have Ricardo Reimundo, Nelson Orta, our much-liked
Problems of Democracy instructor Don Masterson, Fernando Vidal, and that annoying little guy. Next in line, Mrs. Dinorah Orta and Mr. Jose Orta - also known as Nelson's parents. Quite a few of us who hailed from Sts. Peter & Paul remember being taught by "Mr. Orta," as we called him. To his right stand Elena Pastoriza, Lynne Quiroga, that annoying little guy, and Lorna Orta, Nelson's Better Half. Nelson Orta Jr. stands next to his dad in the following image, together with Fernando Rey and Mr. Orta. Nelson and Fernando are in the next one, being annoyed by that annoying little guy. What a pest! Somebody swat him down! No, do not bother - he's already swatted down...since birth.
Now you've got the idea how this works and how not to get lost on the way to our get-together. This will be the last blog posting until after the Reunion - aren't you happy about that? However, rest assured - perhaps to your dismay - the blog will not go away. The history and stories about our school, about us, shall continue. We of the Infernal Committee ask you stay with us for the ride...there are more places to go together, and future Reunions to dream about.
We are almost there!
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