Friday, May 16, 2008

Marine's Final Communique! For you, blokes...

I lied...the last posting was not the last one before the Reunion. But one dares not go against the Gunny's wishes - unless one wants to risk having hairless scalp ripped off. So, here is the message, unembellished.

"Dear Infernal committee,
Please review and pass on this info to ALL possible attendees.
?QUESTIONS?: CALL ME, (305)525-7803

By the way, is there such a thing as an IMPOSSIBLE ATTENDEE? Be that as it may, it seems the Gunny is asking us all to remember and be responsible attendees, being on best behavior, and helping with clean up. Bill Mauldin illustrates the latter point best...

Up Front - Bill Mauldin - World Publishing Company - 1944

If perchance, during cleanup, you happen to find a nice Luger...please surrender it to your Blog editor for examination and safe disposal...

See ya, over and out!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Heed the Signs!

We do not want you to get lost on the way to the party Friday; by no means do we mean this to insult your intelligence or sound demeaning. Nor do we want you to get lost on the way to the picnic Saturday. So consider this just a diplomatic reminder to get your directions and your times straight, so all will go smoothly - the key here is FUN, not STRESS. Then too, sad to admit, guys do not ask for directions. Speaking of which, surely you know the campus is located at 3601-3603 South Miami Avenue, Miami F-L-A. Remember: 8:00 PM to 12:00 AM. Make sure you have your ride scheduled, and of course a designated driver, as needed.

If Mrs. "Q" - on the left - that Mr. Alonso in the middle? - was able to find her way there on a hot July day in '91, surely you can too.

Why, that's Danny Thomas on the left, and Brother Andres Agustin on the right - that same balmy day.

And then there is the picnic on Saturday. Here are some useful directional signs to help you get there without a hitch. They are very precise; you do not even need a GPS.

OOPS! Wrong signs! How did that happen? Never mind; must have run into a time-warp problem. Do not recommend woolen garments at Crandon, and by all means wear comfortable footwear...leather does not work well in the South Florida climate.

Follow this sign instead, and hop to it!

Just make sure you get yourself here around 11:00 AM or thereabouts, 'til the sun don't shine no mo'.

Don't forget your condiments for your fixins'.

Speaking of time-warps and things like that...thought you might like to remember our 1988 Reunion picnic through the magic of these images. Some of our friends and classmates depicted therein are no longer here to attend our 2008 outdoor gathering. But no doubt they will be there in spirit.

Recognize your friends? Top: Lilly Pino and Ricardo Reimundo; bottom: Elena Pastoriza.

Surely you recognize your classmates in this collage. However, you might not know everyone; not to worry, you will be properly introduced.

Let's see, starting with the upper left quadrant and working our way clockwise, we have Ricardo Reimundo, Nelson Orta, our much-liked Problems of Democracy instructor Don Masterson, Fernando Vidal, and that annoying little guy. Next in line, Mrs. Dinorah Orta and Mr. Jose Orta - also known as Nelson's parents. Quite a few of us who hailed from Sts. Peter & Paul remember being taught by "Mr. Orta," as we called him. To his right stand Elena Pastoriza, Lynne Quiroga, that annoying little guy, and Lorna Orta, Nelson's Better Half. Nelson Orta Jr. stands next to his dad in the following image, together with Fernando Rey and Mr. Orta. Nelson and Fernando are in the next one, being annoyed by that annoying little guy. What a pest! Somebody swat him down! No, do not bother - he's already swatted down...since birth.

Now you've got the idea how this works and how not to get lost on the way to our get-together. This will be the last blog posting until after the Reunion - aren't you happy about that? However, rest assured - perhaps to your dismay - the blog will not go away. The history and stories about our school, about us, shall continue. We of the Infernal Committee ask you stay with us for the ride...there are more places to go together, and future Reunions to dream about.

We are almost there!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Reunion Rehearsal

Because we CARE, and because we want things to go smoothly, no unpleasant surprises, "bugs" or critical system failures, with this Reunion, three of the Infernal Committee Members volunteered themselves for a strenuous dress rehearsal to ensure everything will go "just peachy" on May 16th-17th. The aforesaid dress rehearsal took place May 1-4, 2008. It was grueling and relentless...see what we do to assure your satisfaction and happiness on the Reunion days, dear friends and classmates?

The Three Committee Amigos - from left to right, Nelson Orta, Albert Quiroga, and Jorge Pastoriza - first tested the waters in the proving grounds chosen, since after all, water also flows in the Crandon Park environment. It was determined, with scientific precision, that water can be fresh or salty. Conclusion: Do not drink the water lapping the shore at Crandon Park. Drink it only if it comes in a bottle or from an H2O fountain.

Linville Falls, North Carolina - May 1, 2008 - Day One

Alternate modes of transportation for our group were also explored and delved into; after all, one needs be able to come-n-go...places to go, people to annoy and all that sort of thing.

The region is known for the creativity of its mechanics; the Yosemite Sam theme appealed to the Yosemite Sam side of Blogdevil's personality. In the end, the sub-Committee members decided inflation precluded purchase of this local artifact, even for the benefit of our group. Besides, the logistics of getting it on the plane for the return trip, and worse yet, refusing to let the airline treat it as checked baggage would have proven too daunting. We feared making too much fuss, causing them TSA boys and girls to be all over you in less time than it takes Larry The Cable Guy to say "Possum bake time!"

Terrain needed testing. After all, we wish to ensure everyone gets off on the right foot and also provide ambulatory tips to make things easier for you as you walk to and fro to the various points of interest found in our Reunion locales. The bar being one such point of interest, for example.

Since the mountain would not come to us, we went to the mountain...

And to yet another one, to ensure our testing was thorough and statistically valid.
After going over hill, over dale, through some steep knee-jarring inclines and declines, we reached this scientific conclusion: No need to wear hiking boots to Crandon Park, and certainly not to the Friday dance; the lay of the land in Florida can be described as flat, flatter, and flattest. Therefore, wear comfortable footwear suitable for essentially horizontal surfaces. The steepest incline you will find during our Reunion will be the stairs leading into the school "cafetorium."

Next test: The Brew-n-Wine sampling and selection test. After all, we want to ensure the bar is stocked with the finest libations on Friday. See what sacrifices we are willing to make for your sake, beloved Brothers and Sisters of the Reunion?

Blue Moon is good, Pilsner Urquell is good, Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout is good, Peroni is good...hmm good, hmm good. Now wait a minute, that sounds more like a certain soup commercial.

You might wonder how such small entity can hold so much. He had help.

From none other than the experts in the Alcohol Assessment Team (AAT), a Subcommittee of the Infernal Committee. You may wonder who the reclining fellow in the background is; he is our self-appointed In-House Attorney, Jorge Orta, Esq. Also known as Nelson's brother. Mr. Orta provided legal guidance throughout this assessment and evaluation process to ensure no member of the AAT ran afoul of municipal, county, state, Federal or international law, regulation, stipulation, treaty, or policy before, during, and after aforesaid assessment process and procedure. Non sequitur, res iudicata, ipso facto, corpus delicti, and other such nonsense as regulated by the EPA. See? We're really looking out for you and acting strictly in your best interest.

Conclusion: These brews are good...darn good! The question is whether they will be available Friday. There is always Crandon on Saturday, and if you need help assessing and testing your chosen beer, ale, stout, porter, cabernet sauvignon, malbec, rioja, or what have you, the AAT is here to help!

Finally...the culinary test. It must be said the Doctor in the group is also a fantastic gourmet cook! Not only does he not skimp on the quality of the ingredients, he makes sure the Real Stuff is employed - REAL butter; REAL olive oil - none of this low-fat, wimpy, bland stuff. What's a little cholesterol here and there? After all, no one gets out of here alive...and the red wine flushes your plumbing quite well. Ask the French. The Doctor knows. He is a cardiologist.

So, here is one suggestion for your picnic cuisine: How about a nice carpaccio? Or salmon sashimi; fried scallops - in butter - for appetizers, how about some nice manchego or gorgonzola cheeses. Who says guys can't cook? Eat your heart out, Emeril!

We pray you appreciate our efforts to make sure things go well with our Reunion. Hopefully, the results of these scientifically-conducted tests will serve as a reliable guide for your Reunion planning, and perhaps provide useful suggestions which enhance the soon-to-come wonderful experience of the joyful gathering. We're here to help, even if we are NOT from the government! Well, wait - slight disclaimer - one of these Infernals is from the government. Not to worry, he can hardly govern himself.

Regardless, the important thing is: We're looking forward to seeing y'all Friday and Saturday. The time is almost here!

And here's to all of you! Cheers and prosit! Can't wait to see ya!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day, Ladies!

Future La Salle graduate enjoys quality time with his mother - Havana, 1950

None of us would be here if it weren't for our moms; well, of course it is recognized daddies play a part, but Father's Day is still a while aways, so this one is for all the moms out there, our own and those Immaculata grads blessed with motherhood. And, for God's sake, as well as yours, you La Salle guys out there - you know who you are - better not forget your wives and mothers on Mother's Day. We do not want you to miss the Reunion because some CRS (do you really need it spelled out?) lapse resulted in your forgetting to duly celebrate and honor your motherly mate on her day...and you wind up in the intensive care ward recovering from multiple fractures and other trauma. The Annoying Blogger has already done his shopping and if he can, you can too!

But it is not just about shopping - that only is a way to display some thoughtfulness on your part. The important thing is, make some quality time to cherish, honor, and love your mother and your children's mother tomorrow.

As for gifts, let us remember those motherhood bestows on us.

Lil' product of an ILS graduate and his definitely-Better Half relaxes after a "tough" school day, West Palm Beach, 1997

Mrs. is being taken out to dinner tomorrow; the Infernal Blogger's mom too, as well as mothers-in-law, sisters-who-are-mothers, et al. The venue is Sinfonía, in Miami...who knows, we might run into some of you classmates there; heard the food was excellent, from mom's lips and when your mom says something is good for you, well - it is, isn't it?

Not to worry, Little Big Man of the Blog ensures his Better Half stays away from the kitchen as much as possible. Lest you think she is a slave to cooking, rest assured he often volunteers for duty and even manages to concoct edible vittles. She just won't allow him to do bean dishes...something he finds hard to understand or digest...ha ha!

A pleasant evening at Mr. Tang in Chinatown, New York - November 25, 2007

Happy Mother's Day! Gents, don't forget...or the only gastronomic experience you may have is being transformed into dead meat.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

A Bestial Message - "Tempus Fugit!"

Reunion Committee group at the Immaculata-La Salle Cafetorium - l-r Ricardo Reimundo, Silvia Gonzalez, Bill Urbizu and Marily Benitez - May 2008

The time has almost come, and it is time to act, if you have not done so already. So as not to re-state the obvious, and because it is well stated in the following message from our Bestial Infernal Committee gent, Bill Urbizu, we will share his short and sweet email message to the Committee members. It says what needs to be said and illustrates some of the effort put in by your friends in the Committee, not for our benefit but for yours. We want to make this long-overdue Reunion a success...for you and for us, but WE CANNOT DO IT WITHOUT YOU; if you are not there to enjoy it and share the joy of the reconnection, the friendship, camaraderie, whatever you wish to call it, then it is all for nothing. We do not have the luxury to go another 20 years between Reunions; that is the reality. In these troubled and uncertain times, let us at least come together this once, re-establish our ties, connections, and re-connections. We shared one to four years together in a very special place; let us do so again. Some of us had "hang time" together in other schools, pre-ILS; here is an opportunity to have "reunions within the Reunion."

These days, one cannot have too many friends and one should enjoy and cultivate said friendships thoroughly and often. Believe it or not, we need each other; no man or woman is an island. Friends are the brothers and sisters you get to choose...therefore, we hope you choose to spend some time with your brother and sister classmates Friday the 16th, and Saturday the 17th, Anno Domini 2008. 'Nuf said! For now, that is...

"Dear Infernals:

We need to post on the website that Monday will be the last day to purchase tickets. On Tuesday, I need to inform the caterer of the # of persons attending the Friday night event.

We met at the cafeteria for lunch and decided on the layout of the tables, dj, cash bar and the reception table. The Decorating Committee will go back to the cafeteria on Friday, the 16th at 1 p.m. to begin setup. The caterer will provide table cloths, along with the tables and the flower bases for each table. The Committee will purchase the flowers, balloons, and the photo tags. I will be contacting ILS regarding the helium for the balloons. They have the tanks, but may need to be refilled since the Alumni event of a couple of weeks ago. I will ask Fredy to pay for this cost out of our budget.

Once we receive the list of attendees, hopefully today, who will be printing the photos of those attending from the Signum '68 book? This needs to begin happening NOW. Let me know.

As of 10 days ago, we had 65 persons coming. Federico Padovan has not provided the latest list. I'm hoping he provides it today. As soon as we receive the latest list, we need to start calling those that we have phone numbers for to remind them of the urgency to buy this weekend, and not wait till the last minute. Each of us needs to make 5-7 calls. That will mean reaching another 35 alumnis.

I'll get back to you as soon as I get the list from Fredy Padovan.

Beast aaarrrggghhh!!!"

Allright! Before signing off on this post, the LIB (Little Infernal Blogger-the acronym DOES NOT reflect "its" politics) is going to editorialize a little bit. A list of attendees to the Friday dance/social has been provided by ILS. As of the date of this post, we have close to 100 attendees; 89 to be exact, and a couple more have "checked in" since then. On the surface, this seems a good turnout, and it is good indeed. However, considering the efforts made so far to make this wonderful gathering happen, it seems the response could have been a little better. A lot better, in fact. Granted, the opera is not over - the Fat Lady has not yet sung. Therefore, by Monday May 12th we may be at the 100 mark or better yet, beyond it.

We have emailed, called, wrote, begged, pleaded, cajoled, even made personal contacts, here and there, to solicit and encourage your participation, my friends. We have over 100 email addresses in the Contacts list; 134 "snail mails" have been sent, with less than a half dozen returned as undeliverable or addressee unknown. We have not yet given up and do not be surprised if you receive a phone call to gently remind you to come on down and have fun!

Really, what would keep you from coming to the dance, the picnic, or both? Geographic constraints? OK, that is valid. Yet we have some classmates coming from as far as Alabama, California, and North Carolina. Family matters? Family first, of course. But don't forget, you may be missing the gathering of your ILS Family. Fear the years have been less than kind on you and afraid to show your face? We did not just invite your face, but all of you, body and soul. Believe it, what is inside is far more important than the external side. Your Blog-fiend was recently described, while enjoying adventure and camaraderie in North Carolina, as resembling Uncle Fester, from the Addams Family show. Remember him?

That, Blog-fiend thinks, is actually a complimentary description. Now, if this "Uncle Fester" is ready, willing, and able to show his mug on Friday the 16th and Saturday the 17th, you can show yours! It cannot be worse. However, small children and animals should be kept at a respectable distance lest they be frightened to death.

Are you afraid your non-Immaculata-La Salle Better Half will be bored if he or she is dragged to these happenings? Fear not! There will be others there who are not alumni either. Mingle, mingle! No doubt your spouse will find some kindred spirits - besides those at the bar - and enjoy an engaging, interesting conversation. We have many talented people in our group who may share some common interests with your soul mate. Does your Better Half or Significant Other wish to discuss why the Ardennes breakthrough was decisive in ensuring the defeat of France in 1940? "Uncle Fester" is available! Wish to discuss the merits of India pale ales, porters, stouts, and pilseners? "Uncle Fester" is available! And he'll drink to that with your Better Half, or Halves, or what have you. Wanna talk design, web construction, programming and other craft or "techie" stuff like that? Adrianna may humor a request or two, and Mrs. "Fester" - that is, Mrs. Quiroga, can run you through the intricacies of computers and computing. There is something for everyone here.

Are you afraid to come because you fear running into someone who conjures up nightmares or less than pleasant memories? Listen, by now, we're more than adults - we are or should be Adults Plus. We can be civilized to each other and let bygones be bygones. No one is getting younger; carrying grudges or unpleasant recollections about some failed social encounter in the past gets no one anywhere. Time to forget those in many cases petty faux pas of the past, and move on. Shake hands, hug, high-five each other and make peace. Do not forget the purpose of this is to re-connect with each other, enjoy the company of friends we may not have seen for years, catch up, celebrate and be proud of our triumphs while traveling through the Road of Life.

If it helps and you have some grudge or irritating memory of "Uncle Fester," you may place a paper bag over his head, thus creating the appearance "it" is only an illusion. However, he is not responsible if his Better Half objects, although he fears she may, in fact approve.

Last, do you think it "has just been too long since we've seen each other, and no one cares?" Well, suffice it to say your Blogging classmate and his little band of buddies from his school in Havana never gave that a thought, after we began finding each other, one by one, during the past two years. We had not seen each other, in most cases, since 1960...yet it seems as if we were together yesterday, and the joy of our re-encounter was not in any way diminished by the passage of time. Therefore, banish those negative preconceptions and do not be afraid to see your friends again. You will not regret it.

We're not gonna put a gun to your head and force you to head this way - to the Reunion, that is - after all, it is a free country. But we certainly do not aim to miss you...please join us.

Havana - 1959