Friday, September 25, 2009

In Memoriam - A Tribute to Rosario K. "Tiny" Fleitas

Rosario K. Fleitas - Signum '68

Apologize for more or less cobbling this together, but wanted to publish these sad news as soon as possible...all the beautiful words and testimonials received are truly appreciated; you - Rosario's friends and classmates - made this tribute possible. Rosario did well in this life, and her life should be celebrated and remembered. "Well done, good and faithful servant." Matthew 25:21

These biographical notes are courtesy our friend and classmate Maria Elena Consuegra.

Rosario was a graduate of Immaculata-LaSalle class of 1968. Before that she attended Sts Peter and Paul Catholic School and before that Colegio del Apostolado in Cuba. Rosario was an incredibly friendly and outgoing person. She enjoyed traveling and especially spending time in Spain. She was married to Raul Hernandez, a practicing lawyer in Coral Gables, FL They had 5 children. She attended Miami-Dade College and was very interested in anthropology especially as it related to Cuban history.

After Miami Dade, Rosario received her Bachelor's degree in Education from the University of Miami. She continued to study at UM where she obtained 3 Master's degrees - one in Special Education, one in Gifted Education and one in Montessori Education. For many years Rosario was the Director of Gifted Education for Dade County Public Schools.

Rosario was very active in the Spanish Club and also belonged to the Band. Rosario had a fondness for changing names ... many of us remember her as Tiny, RosaRio and Rosario Kateri among others...”

Now some testimonials, from the heart…

“Maria Rosario Fleitas’ Hernandez’ co-workers write about the passion she had for her work and her students. See the beautiful tribute to her below.

I once read that to teach is to touch a life. It is patent she touched many lives during her career.

Rodrigo O. Rodriguez”

“To Maria’s Friends,

It is with great sadness that I inform you of the death of Maria Hernandez, a consummate professional and a gifted educator.

For the past 22 months Maria fought with unwavering determination. Her zeal for life and her unfinished agenda will be greatly missed by all teachers she touched, students she taught, and colleagues that were imparted with her unparallel knowledge of curriculum in general but specifically for gifted and ESOL students. Maria lived her life working in a profession that was her passion and for her, gifted education and ensuring that the students be provided with the services they deserved was her mission. Every time I would speak with her she would ask me about the gifted referrals, staffings, etc, and she would tell me to never give up. She would end her conversations with "acuerdese que cuento con usted" - "remember I am counting on you".

I for one will miss her greatly and feel honored to have been able to experience her passion, dedication, and commitment to the students of Miami-Dade County Public Schools while working with her at the Division of Advanced Academic Programs.

Maria leaves behind a husband and five children.

Funeral arrangements:

Maspons Funeral Home

3500 SW 8 Street

Miami, Florida

305 461-5070


Saturday, September 26, 2009 beginning at 12 noon, through Sunday, September 27, 2009, at 12 noon.

The family requests that donations be made in Maria's name to La Liga Contra el Cancer/League Against Cancer. To make donations by phone, contact 305 856-4914. To send a donation by mail, please make checks payable to: League Against Cancer, Inc., 2180 SW 12 Avenue, Miami, Florida 33129. Please write Maria's name on the memo.

Beatriz Zarraluqui, Administrative Director
Division of Mathematics, Science, and Advanced Academic Programs, Dade County Schools

“Thank you, Rodrigo. This is so sad. I remember walking to school with her, su nariz pequeñita, sus ojos vivaces. . . . I really appreciate your telling us . . . .

Raquel Puig-Zaldivar”


Thank you for sharing these beautiful thoughts ... Rosario was a very special person ... the only consolation is that she is now in a better place.

Maria Elena Consuegra (Mendez)”

“Thank you Rodrigo for sharing such beautiful words about Maria, I was sad she did not make our 40th reunion, I pray for her husband and children and the rest of her family. Thanks again.

Silvia Gonzalez”

“Thank you Rodrigo for sharing that with all of us - I will add it to her picture in our ILS Class of 68 website.

Rosario, Tiny - since her very young years, always had a positive word and/or input about everything....

I can still see her little smile from when we were 15.... what pleasant memories....

What great lady.... we all will remember her with beautiful thoughts.


Adrianna Ramirez”

From Clara Perez:

Rosario was a quiet and sweet person, kind to everyone. Her family should feel certain that she is with God enjoying everlasting joy and peace.

Cariños to all my ILS friends,


And from more of her Sts. Peter & Paul, ILS friends and classmates:

“I had the good fortune to have many classes with Tiny during my four years at Immaculata. I so enjoyed her upbeat personality. I am glad she was able to contribute positively to our community in a field she enjoyed. May her life serve as an inspiration to others.

Lourdes Fernandez Carroll”

“I'm very sorry for your loss and offer you my condolence. At La Salle, we would like to offer you and your family our prayers during this difficult time.

"Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there's a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see." -Helen Keller

God Bless You!
Elena Capablanca|Computer Graphics - Immaculata-La Salle High School

Many more were received…but in the interest of posting this tribute to Rosario on a timely basis, and to inform our Class and interested parties about the viewing and funeral arrangements, will close here. The Circle of Life has closed for her, and she is Home - many of us remember her smile, and we believe she is even now smiling radiantly and dancing with the angels. Our love, solidarity, and condolences to her husband Raul Hernandez and her children.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Did that catch your attention, Heinz?

Or whoever is reading this...does anyone really read this? The real title was meant to be "Catch Up," and that is what "we," whoever "we" are, mean.

For starters, there is the dance April 25th - details follow, so follow the details since that is where the devil is in.

Hope this is clear enough, for our tired eyes...blogger's eyes have been tired since, oh, 1959 or so.

Four-Eyed Nurd, Future ILS-er - Havana, October 1960

It gets worse...the tired eyes, that is, and other features as well...

Nurd-ier Four-Eyed Future ILS-er; Miami, circa 1962 - unlike wine, things did not get better with age...God's Gift to Women NOT - more like Satan's Nightmare for Women...

Perhaps it was trying to "channel" Buddy Holly with them Greyhound bus-windshield size glasses. Ray, Ban him! OK! OK! Will stop pun-ishing you now.

Now that you've recovered from the shock induced by the ghastly, ghostly image - go ahead, down a stiff one if it will help - move on to the dance invitation; if you need a clearer view, simply "hover" your mouse over the image, "left click" on it, and you'll see better, perhaps dispensing with bifocals, trifocals, or reading tips courtesy Mr. Magoo. Remember him? Can't you see you're being teased?

It would be nice if the Class of '68 had good representation at the dance - consider it a "Reunion Within a Reunion." Consider going - and if you do, why don't you let "us" know - whoever "us" is - via the blog, website, or email address that you will be there? By the way, surely you will not be turned away even if you are from an earlier graduating Class; or a later one - do not really know why this is for just '68-'80 kinfolk - we're all Immaculata-La Salle kin, no matter how long or how recently aforesaid kinship was established! Anyone give ya a hard time, just blame the Mad Blogger from '68!

It would be nice if we would fill up the auditorium - now called "cafetorium," methinks, as was done for the Signum Mexican Fiesta in 1967...

Yes, the image is slightly crooked! Still can't see straight, half a century later!

Do you remember going to this dance? Any fights? Find your future beau there?

Enough visual teasing and/or torture! On to more serious items. The following is straight out of the ILS newsletter. Remember what to do if you need a larger image. Just pointing it out...pun intended. Some editing and shortening has been done so you'll concentrate on the nitty-gritty.

Hmm...really have to try and make the Hall of Fame Awards - Brother James is being honored; his pedagogical skills managed to actually inject some knowledge of Religion and Geometry, after some kampf, into the writer's dummkopf; the blogger also knows Gustavo Pupo-Mayo - used to ride with him to Sts. Peter & Paul school in his dad's car, back in the Stone Age - before the Stoned Age, you know, that one which started in Haight-Ashbury. Congratulations Brother James! Congratulations Gus!

Alright, gotta go...perhaps this was helpful and helped our Class ketchup, er, catch up; the important thing is, let's stay linked and catch up with each other. The Mad Blogger from '68 promises to give you a break from these increasingly-insane pun-filled posts; it is taking a much-needed break, but will be back, provided it does not have accidental encounters of a gastronomic nature with bocarás, terciopelos, la corál, la boa, el jaguar - not the XKE - o el bull shark - sorry for the spanglish, Brother Andrés - at least no cannibals to worry about, since it is not Papua-New Guinea being described...unless it runs into a certain Hannibal, not the Punic one. In which case, your Pun-ishment will cease, something no doubt you can stomach! It certainly hopes to digest the Rich, Coastal vistas forthcoming; and all ILS-ers - 'cuz you're all smart - should be able to figure the Mad Blogger's destination. It is in the details. Just pray the devil won't be there too...

Monday, January 5, 2009

While we're still within the 12 Days of Christmas...

We were asked to share this by a kindred spirit from the Class of '66, and in keeping with the Spirit of Christmas and Epiphany - January 6th, remember? - sure you do!- this request is being posted verbatim, for your consideration. There is no pressure intended or implied; just heed your heart's whisperings. On the blogger's side, this takes on a special significance, since he and two younger sisters are ILS Alumni; and it may well be a niece - or two - may wind up attending Immaculata-La Salle very soon, as well. He certainly prays it will be so. Now the blog-podium is turned over to Maria Restrepo Forte, Class of '66.

“Dear Alberto: First and foremost, my best wishes for a wonderful Christmas to you and your family.

A while ago I sent you an email to see if you would consider sending a message to your classmates with respect to the sad possibility of students having to drop out of Immaculata LaSalle due to their parents' inability to pay tuitition due to the economic problems we are all facing.

DO you think you could include the attached in your wonderful blogs to see if we can get some help from your contacts? Let me know what you think.

Any help that is given would be greatly welcomed.

Best Regards,

Maria Restrepo Forte (CLass of 1966)”

Here is the attachment Maria sent with her email.

December 22, 2008

Dear Friends:

I just want to wish each and everyone of you a very merry Christmas and may the New Year find you and your family healthy, happy and prospering.

These are difficult times for many and I just want to take a few minutes of your time to bring a sad situation to your attention. Due to the hard economic times we are facing, many of the students at Immaculata-LaSalle are facing the possibility of having to drop out of school due to the fact their parents are no longer able to meet the tuition requirements. The school is doing all it can to keep the kids in school, especially those in their senior year. Imagine having to leave your school, friends and teachers due to your parents’ inability to pay the school fees when you are a few months away from graduating.

I know all of you have your own obligations, children and grandchildren to worry about and this is a difficult time to ask that you consider taking any of your hard earned money to worry about someone else’s kids and especially, people you don’t know.

There are several students I can think of that are honor students, cheerleaders, totally involved in community affairs, helping migrant children and going out of their way to help others in distress. These are students with scholarship potential to ivy league schools and universities but they are facing the very real possibility of having to switch to another school due to lack of income in the family, in the middle of their last year. This is a lot of pressure for a young student to deal with.

If you have it in your heart to contribute to this cause, I urge you to do so. Any amount helps since your sole contribution may not save one of these students but when many of us give small amounts this adds up and helps keep these kids in the school they love and want to graduate from.

Many of us are finding the way to help this group of students by searching for grants that may be available and we are planning activities that may generate income to this assistance fund. If you have any thoughts and ideas to share with us on generating donations we welcome all suggestions.

In the meantime, if you wish to donate to this cause please make your checks out to Immaculata-LaSalle Tuition Assistance Fund and send it to:

Ms. Nancy Gamwell
Immaculata-LaSalle High School
3601 South Miami Avenue
Miami, Florida 33133

What a great Christmas gift for a student when she or he is told they have one more month to stay at school due to donations from Alumni or friends of the school.

Anything you can do would be extremely helpful…

Have a wonderful holiday season and for those of you up in the North end of the country, we hope you are able to stay warm and comfortable. The snow conditions up there may be a reason to return to good old South Florida.

My best to all,

Maria Restrepo Forte (Class of 1966)