Saturday, August 30, 2008

Reunion Images and Classmate Testimonials

Sorry for the delay in sharing the following images, comments, testimonials, and sentiments. Time goes by too fast, and the more time elapses, the more it accelerates. Is that part of the Law of Relativity? Regardless, this is dedicated to all of you who were there, anytime between September 1964 and June 1968 and in all the reunions and get-togethers since graduation; by the way, it only takes two to make a reunion and we hope to continue the linkages, whether in small or large scale.

Attribution of course will be given to our roving photographers, correspondents, and contributors, whose voluntary efforts make this posting possible. There are over 100 images to be displayed; the editor believes this may be a little overwhelming for one blog session, so the graphics will be spread out over several posts in the next few weeks.

First of course came the preparations for the Friday May 16th school bash...

The Corps of Volunteers who gathered in the school "cafetorium" included, left to right, Maria E. Consuegra (Mendez), Silvia Gonzalez, Lourdes Carroll (Fernandez), Elena Pastoriza, "Webmistress" Adrianna F. Ramirez, and Amalia Garcia. The photographer was Marily A. Reyes (Benitez) - hereafter identified as "MAR."

Maiden surnames above are shown in parenthesis; lack of same does not imply single status - it implies the blog imp-oster just plain forgot a Significant Other's surname or did not want to further delay publishing this in searching for Who's On First and all of that. Heck, there are days he's not sure what he is named - although he has been called by many monikers not to be repeated here.

But of course we cannot leave the irrepressible and lovable Bestial Lunk out of the picture - Bill Urbizu; who, ably aided and assisted by the other Infernal Committe members, did a lot of heavy lifting to make things happen. The photo is courtesy of MAR - as are all subsequent ones posted, except as noted.

The photographer got into the picture here...surely you can spot her; this begs the question: Who captured the image? There are a couple of possible paparazzi...but it was Marily's camera.

Dear friend and Informal Committee commissar Ricardo Reimundo (aka "Lumumba") ensured things would not balloon out of control during Reunion Friday...

Were the ladies perhaps thinking of putting together one of those helium balloons-and-lawnchair contraptions so as to overfly the bay "in style?" Personally, would not recommend that as a traveling medium, although considering what passes for "service" in the airline industry today, perhaps it is an idea whose time has come; it would certainly be an uplifting experience.

OK, Elena and Amalia! Get back to work; no time to play tag now!

T-shirts, t-shirts; gotta have t-shirts! If by chance you did not get yours, maybe you want to go to the Class of '68 website - Webmistress Adrianna may yet have some in stock; stock up on t-shirts. Stop minime knows he would have never made it on Madison Avenue, with all them Mad Men. He does qualify as far as the mad - as in loon - part.

Decor and arrangements coming along nicely...the roving blogger hears the food in the new/old cafeteria is light years better than the vittles in the old/old cafeteria; if the quality of the edibles on Reunion Friday was any indication, all one can say is: Too bad we had to wait 40 years for gourmet cafeteria rations! But then, the Israelites had to wonder 40 years in the desert too, and they did not even get free t-shirts to commemorate the experience.

AQ photo

As the guests started to arrive that Friday, they could not help but behold this poignant reminder that one of their own would not be joining his classmates...but there is no doubt "Armandito," the diminutive version of his name - but diminutive he was NOT, in body or spirit - was there, his impish smile unseen. More than one of us experienced a "lump in the throat" moment and some tears too, when confronted with this necessary remembrance. God bless and keep you, Armando!

At least none of us needed permission to park on the grounds, said privilege once made evident by the mandatory permit we had to affix to the windshields of our wheeled steeds four decades earlier.

The blog author well remembers sticking the sticker on the windshield of his wheezy, lumbering 1960 Prefect; yes folks, there was once such a marvel of automotive engineering. The quaint little car did not help the flow of traffic one bit, barely managing to keep out of its own way. But in retrospect, it is easy to understand why blogger's papa insisted this be his boy's first car - zero-to-30 in about 60 minutes; cheap too...$350 cash at Paigo Brothers on NW 36th street back in Anno Domini 1966.

We are fortunate to have this little piece of the past courtesy our good friend and classmate Richard Reinhart; blogger is glad to see he is not the only artifact pack rat in the bunch.

On the other hand, one is glad the pack-ratism did not extend to keeping the Prefect - white it was, just as in the photo; the styling reminded one of a 1940s American car built for midgets. Hmm - perhaps dad Quiroga thought that was precisely the reason he should acquire it for his offspring. He's always had a unique sense of humor...

Then the guests began to arrive, and a special evening began to unfold.

Left to right: Cecilia Grande Gonzalez, Ana Diaz Cepero, and Silvia Gonzalez Dalmau.

We'll follow this simple convention on names/surnames whenever possible, to help jog memory - the author's is not that sharp, except when it comes to irrelevant facts or things that happened around 43 AD, more or less. The name, maiden and married surname will be displayed, in precisely that order. And if errors are made, your understanding is requested - and pray tell us what needs be done to fix said errors.

L-R: Marta Sotolongo Pardo, Charmaine Gauthier Icaza, Isabel Sanchez Rodriguez with...Mr. Rodriguez, of course.

Our beloved Infernal Bestial Bill Urbizu and his decidedly Better Half Diana made their appearance...just teasin' you, Bill - you'se a good guy...but, pray tell, what brand embalming elixir you've been downing all these years?

Glad you're having a good time! Left - Mr. Cepero, Ana Diaz Cepero's Other Half, with Juan Pino, brother to classmate Lilly Pino. Clarification: The term "Other Half" will henceforth be adopted when referring to spouses - we're not getting into any arguments about which Half is the Better Half!

L-R: Lorna and Nelson Orta, Maria del Carmen Fernandez Palmieri with Mr. Palmieri, Marily Benitez Reyes.

Our Infernal Unofficial Most Excellent Roving Photographer with her Other Half, Frank Reyes. This begs the question: "Who photographed the photographer?" Answering "the camera" is not a valid response!

Juan Gonzalez - Cecilia Grande's Other Half, and Juan Dalmau, Silvia Gonzalez's Soul Mate, seem to be wondering what happened to Mr. Dalmau's libation...OK, who took his drink?! 'Fess up!

"Woman, Man, in Black." As to the alien-looking creature on the right, one wonders how is it Men In Black in fact did not show up and haul it away to Area 51; perhaps the storage costs were a factor, what with all these Federal deficits...Marily should perhaps be choosier about her company. Really, really, they just let anyone in these days!

To say it was a great honor and pleasure Brother Francisco Martin - who we remember best as "Brother Andres" - joined in the celebration is indeed an understatement. Thank you, Hermano Andres; we who had the pleasure of your instruction appreciate your valiant efforts to keep our Spanish from mutating into Spanglish! God bless you.

L-R: Amalia Garcia, Marily, Teresita Casajuana

As previously stated, there are quite a few graphics to share with all of you. This will be the first installment - otherwise, nothing may be posted until...who knows when! In such a case, you may think the class blog and website have disappeared into the ether. No such luck! All kidding aside, we're not letting the ball drop for another twenty or - God forbid! - forty years. Forty years? No can do! There will be no brain left in the blogger when he's 98; not that much left at this point as it is.

Please share your images of the Reunion! It will be a pleasure to publish them in the future. You are reminded that pics from the past are also most welcome; help us flesh out the history of our class.

Now, some from-the-heart testimonials and compliments from our friends; to these, nothing need be added; we'll start with Graciella Cruz-Taura, who had earlier sent her comments to the blog.

This was a truly great class reunion and the organizers deserve our most heartfelt "thank you" for all the hours they spent enthusiastically putting together this gathering.

There were so many of you I had not seen in 40 years! Whether hugging Martha or laughing with Arturo, I could not avoid the awareness of being at a place where we mastered the tools to face a tough world and to appreciate our parents' sacrifices to send us to the school of their (not the state's) choice! Raquel was right when stating we are special. We graduated the same year the Soviet tanks rolled into Prague, students protested everywhere from Paris to Tlatelolco, and political violence in the US seemed uncontainable. Yet we moved forward. Without forgetting the few who stumbled along the way or those who have died, let's be thankful to the Lord for the many blessings in our lives. I will count last evening at the cafeteria as one of them.

Ricardo and all of the Infernal Committee:

We should be the ones to THANK YOU GUYS, because never in my life could I have thought that I would have been able to experience such wonderful moments like the ones on Friday night. To have seen everyone and specially those that were close to me from way back of St Peter & Paul and ILS. I agree that we shouldn't wait 40 more years to do this, even though I understand it was quite and ordeal to everyone together and you guys had to put a lot of your time into this.

Well I guess I have no other way to put it but by saying THANK, THANK, THANK.


Hello Marily, just want to let you know (and please pass it along to the others in the planning committee) that IT WAS GREAT seeing "everyone" again.
I think that it was a very good turnout. Everyone seemed to have a good time and get reacquainted with old friends.
We took a lot of pictures (like many others did) and I will pass along a few that came out really neat.

I hope that the picnic turns out great. Sorry, but I could not make it.

Take care and rest, you need it !


Finally, from our own Infernal Marily - Infernal here meant as a high-level compliment...

Yo todavia estoy flying high...

Las emociones me han soltado con un cansancio increible....

Gracias por haberme acariciado el alma dandome la oportunidad de trabajar con ustedes y lograr estos re-encuentros que mirandoles a cada uno abrazance y recordando el antaño, me ha dado vida y fuerzas para asegurarme de que esto se continue...
Ahi les adjunto mensaje de Pepita...

Un fuerte abrazo a mis infernals y gracias por regresar a mi vida,

Many no doubt can "feel the feelings" penned by Marily, but nevertheless, to maximize the impact of her words, a translation is in order.

"I am still flying high...

The emotions have let me go with an incredible weariness...

Thank you for caressing my soul, granting me the opportunity to work with you and achieve these re-encounters; seeing each of you embracing and recalling times past has given me life and strength to ensure this will continue...I attach a message from Pepita...

A strong hug to my Infernals and thank you for returning to my life,

No one could have put it better, dear friend; until the next installment of this continuing, beautiful story, we close with a strong, mass hug for all of you - we love you and, as Red Skelton used to say at the conclusion of his show, "may God Bless."